Umberto Eco

  • 网络安伯托·艾柯;翁贝托·埃科;埃科;安伯托·艾可;翁贝托·埃可
Umberto EcoUmberto Eco
  1. Umberto Eco 's loss of his own religious faith is reflected in his novels .


  2. Thus , hermeneutics can be said that Umberto Eco is a successful theoretical attempt .


  3. NO UMBERTO ECO fan should go near the Tower of Winds : it could bring on sensory overload .


  4. Umberto Eco put forward the concept of " the Textual Intention " creatively , and treat it as his theory origin .


  5. Umberto Eco , an Italian novelist , once compared Apple 's platform to Catholicism and Microsoft 's to Protestantism .


  6. Umberto Eco was born on Jan. 5 , 1932 , in Alessandria , an industrial town in the Piedmont region in northwest Italy .


  7. The plot of Umberto Eco 's postmodern novel Foucault 's Pendulum develops in a metaphorically hermeneutic way with Eco Hermeneutics as its theoretical guidance .


  8. Umberto Eco ( 1932 - ), is renowned , not only because he is the writer of best selling novels and the authority of semiotics , but . in the meantime , he is also the famous public intellectual in Europe .


  9. Umberto Eco , an Italian scholar in the arcane field of semiotics who became the author of best-selling novels , notably the blockbuster medieval mystery " The Name of the Rose , " died on Friday in Italy . He was 84 .


  10. The Italian novelist Umberto Eco famously said in the 1990s that Apple was like Catholicism in that its followers had to adhere to one way of doing things , while Microsoft ( you could say Google nowadays ) was more akin to Protestantism , which gave followers more latitude to reach their own conclusions and organize themselves accordingly .
